Wednesday, December 4, 2019

IWSG DAY, December 4, 2019, Seeing Myself in the Future by Pat Garcia

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:


The Wasteland – The Masters Review

Unknown Faces – Carve Magazine

Seeing Myself in the Future

My daily routine starts out with me using the early mornings to connect with myself. Writing in my journal, reading the Bible, and speaking positive words of affirmation over my life, are impregnated within me. I do these things even when I don’t feel like it. I usually drink one cup of coffee in the morning and one cup in the afternoon. I still see myself doing that after I have become a published author. I start writing around eleven a.m. but allow myself time to be late. There are some things that catch me on my blind side that must be taken care of. 

I like to write in my office, downstairs in my basement. No matter what, I believe I will always have a home with a cellar regardless of where I live because a cellar is my favorite place to write. 

Besides, having become a career novelist, I see myself continuing to compete in writing competitions, receiving fellowships, and helping other writers in their careers. 

In many ways, I am living the dream already. Sure, I am not yet published, but that's only a matter of time. I believe that the life I am living now as a writer reflects the kind of writer I will be in the future. For me, my writing life is a process that evolves one step at a time. It doesn’t happen overnight and then suddenly I’ve arrived, but it starts in the here and now. 

Wishing all of you a lovely month of December.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat G


  1. I'm always impressed when someone has created a life that includes writing nearly everyday. We are different because I've never had a home with a basement. At the moment, I live on a sailboat in Mexico which is about as opposite as we could get. You are well on your way to achieving your dream.
    Lynn La Vita @ Writers Supporting Writers

  2. Glad you're living your dream. And only two cups of coffee a day? I admire you for that.

  3. Well said. We have to be happy with where we are first before we get more.
    Don't move to the Carolinas then. Your basement would just flood all the time.

  4. Interesting, Pat--I wonder if you preference for writing in the basement is connected to feeling grounded. You seem a very spiritual person who would be sensitive to such things. I wish you happy writing in December.

  5. Two coffees? I'm good with just one but only when I have some Lorna Doone shortbread cookies to go with it. Can't drink one without the other (which is why I haven't had coffee in 3 days :-O).

    Glad to see you're living your dream. And as you said 'publication is only a matter of time.'

  6. Love this!
    You are definitely on your way - and I love that you've put in place the routines that will get you there!

  7. I love the idea of writing in a cellar :)

  8. What a great attitude and so true - it is a process and you are certainly on your way. Now I wish I had a cellar to write in! Sounds perfect.

  9. Thank you for writing about specifically how you plan to achieve your dream starts each day with routine -- that very pragmatic schedule and commitment that anchors us to our writing. I like your idea of writing from a cellar, a kind of isolated spot that limits the external but expands your vision. The only places I've lived that had cellars were dark and dank spots, not at all conducive to writing. May your writing always be supported by place and heart.

  10. I don't think I could write in a basement. I have bad memories of a spooky cellar growing up in an old farmhouse. But I know routines are good. I have to write in the evenings.

  11. Pat, I love the sound of your writing routine. Don't think I'd like to write in the basement, though. We really don't have basements in Oz anyway - no tornadoes, no snow, no nuclear threat - or whatever the reason is for building basements! My office is in a corner of the house off the deck and the Pacific Ocean is my view. It inspires me.

    Still sorry I didn't get to meet. Here's praying one day soon!

  12. I want to celebrate with you when your dream comes true.

  13. I admire your enthusiasm! You are full of positve thoughts and I hope this next year will be your year!!

  14. You are living your dreams. Curious about your cellar. In my mind, cellars (basements) are scary places, but Stephen Kings first novels were written down a cellar. He even has a cellar door on his nonfiction book, ON WRITING.

  15. I hope all your dreams come true. What a beautiful picture you paint. You are living the dream now. Wishing you love and joy in the holidays. Hugs.

  16. I'm thinking of you very often, Patty. And I now wish I had met you before I left Europe for good. I hope so much we'll see each other again one day. Miss you.

  17. I like your thinking. Sometimes we put too much focus on the publishing/money aspect of writing and forget to enjoy the process and the journey. We are living the dream.

  18. You've got great habits in place that'll keep you productively writing through your first publication and way beyond. I'd say that puts you ahead of most writers.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry for taking so long to stop by.
    I like the way you think. As a writer, I guess I wouldn't change much either, just my circumstances.
    Glad you are already living your dream in many ways.

  20. I spend mornings much the same way. Right now I'm doing the 55x5 affirmations. It's a lot of writing, but gets me ready for the day. Thanks for visiting my blog, Pat. You are a darling girl.


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