Wednesday, May 6, 2020

IWSG DAY, May 6, 2020, Getting Out of the Zone by Pat Garcia

Hello Everyone,

It is IWSG Time!

IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes, or giving encouragement and support to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

Submission: The Writer Magazine – Non-Fiction Challenge (Results Still Outstanding)

Getting Out of the Zone

I don’t have a ritual that I follow to help me get in the zone. Usually, when I go down to my office, I automatically enter it, because my zone is my world with my fictional people. They are waiting for me, and they all want my attention. Needless to say, they are demanding. When they think I am writing something that is out of character for them, they interfere.

Thus, getting into the zone is not a problem; it is walking out of it. Once I get involved, I forget the time. I know I need to be more consistent and leave my office and close the door behind me, but once I get in the flow, I stay in the zone. Everything else becomes irrelevant.

Have a lovely month of May and be safe.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Hi Pat,
    How incredible wonderful to have the time and space that comes alive with characters. An especially precious gift during these demanding times.
    Stay healthy and enjoy the flow.
    Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers

    1. Thank you, Lynn. It is a precious gift to me to have such a space.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  2. Some people never achieve that, so it's a good thing to get stuck in the zone. Just don't forget to eat!

    1. Thanks, Alex. It took me some time to find this sense of rest and I don't ever want to lose it.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  3. That's awesome that just going to your office gets you into the groove to write. That's half the battle to get good writingdone.

    1. Thank you. Yes it is half the battle. My characters are usually waiting impatiently for me to walk in.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  4. It's like you have an actual physical zone that you enter as well as a creative one. That's great!

    1. Thank you. I am very thankful for it.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  5. My zone is my dining room table. We generally eat outside so the table should be used for something. LOL. Seriously, I'm always impressed by your articles. You never fail to make me think. I'm glad you have a zone.

    1. Thank you, Joylene. My zone is so important to me as I am sure yours is also.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  6. Having a special place for your writing is great, Pat. I'm sure that helps put you right in the zone very fast. Glad to hear you're well.

    1. Yes, Lee. You're right. This special place is great for my writing. I hope all is well with you in these trying times.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  7. I can picture you entering your office and getting into the zone. I see the characters in their signature outfits lolling about the room. I imagine you have to shoo a few away from your desk and out of your chair before you can get to work. Then, their chattering to get your attention could be annoying. How difficult for you to choose who gets their turn in the story, or not. Sounds like a fun time for you and I get that you don't want to leave the office and face the real world. But you must, so you can join us at IWSG!! Best wishes on your projects.
    JQ Rose

    1. Ha,Ha! You have described my dilemma very well. Sometimes I am having so much fun with my characters that I do forget to eat and sometimes to go to bed. It's funny place to be.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
    I have had those moments where I couldn't get out of the zone, but not that many. Perhaps having that special place to write is what reall helps.

    1. My special place helps me tremendously. Just find where you write best.
      Take care, Toi.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  9. It's so wonderful to be able to do that Pat. I hope to have my writing space soon. Good luck with the submission. Take care!
    Sonia from

    1. Thank you. I hope you have your writing space now. Once again congratulations on your first book.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  10. It's such a lovely feeling slipping into the zone like that! Leaving it can often leave me distracted and I need to remind myself that real life comes first! :)

    1. Yes it is a lovely feeling to slip into the zone and for me it is difficult to leave it, but as you say, there is something such as real life.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  11. I can't say I'm not envious and truly wish I had that problem. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Hi,
      Once you get settled you will have time to get back into your zone and you're going to love it.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  12. Maybe if I had an office, entering it would help me too. As it is, I'm struggling with my writing now, but I'm hopeful my creativity would pull it off soon.

    1. For me, having an office where I can block out everything around me is essential. When my basement was being renovated after the storm, I had a difficult time writing because it wasn't the same as being in my office.
      Good luck with finding a spot where you can write freely.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  13. I wish I would get into the zone each time I walked into my office. But I do lose time when I sit down to write.

    1. Keep at it. Maybe, try planning what you want to work on in your manuscript the night before so that you can wake up ready to go at it.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  14. Yes, I see what you mean. sometimes my head will linger in the clouds after a good session and need to be pulled back to earth to take care of life matters. Still wouldn't mind a way to push me back up there just as quickly. :)

    1. Ha, Ha. The main thing is that you do manage to get there and linger in the clouds, and that is wonderful.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  15. While I may not always be able to get into the zone, when I do, it's amazing how quickly time flies.

    1. Yes, it is. I think when we're in the Zone we step outside of time.
      Have a great day.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  16. I'm always in the zone, too, Pat. I might stare at you glassy eyed because my characters and plot are always on my mind.

    1. I can agree with that. Sometimes we forget that there are real people talking to us when we go out to dinner because we never know when a character will pop in and say something that he or she thinks is important.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  17. The times I've been "in the zone" I haven't wanted to quit. I resent any interference, even my bladder. LOL Your post reminds me of how good that feels. Take care and stay safe.

    1. YES! Sometimes I find myself holding my bladder because I don't want to leave my office.
      Hope you and your hubby are doing well.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  18. I hear what you're saying about not getting out of the zone. The voices keep on going... LOL!

    1. Yes, so true, the voices keep talking and sometimes it is difficult to have them shut up.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G

  19. I imagine you're much the same as me, with the stories swirling through your head no matter what you're doing. Good luck with the nonfiction piece you have out!


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