Wednesday, July 1, 2020

IWSG DAY, JULY 1, 2020, Suggestions for Industry Changes by Pat Garcia

Hello Everyone,



It is IWSG Time!


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes, or giving encouragement and support to others. 



So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:


The Insecure Writer's Support Group 


The awesome co-hosts for the July 1 posting of the IWSG are Jenni Enzor, Beth Camp, Liesbet @ Roaming About, Tyrean Martinson, and Sandra Cox!



Submission: The Writer Magazine – Non-Fiction Challenge (Results Still Outstanding)









Suggestions for Industry Changes 



I have read some great books and would like to see some or all of them turned into screenplays designed for television or as movies for theatergoers. 


I would also like to see the National Book Award and the Man Booker Award becoming more open to writers outside of the writers that write books and are published by the top publishers in the world. 


Finally, there should be a leeway for writers who publish their flash fiction on their blogs. Many publishers expect writers to keep writing but don't recognize that the writer also needs encouragement and usually gets it from the small reader population that follows them. 


Wishing everyone a who celebrates the fourth of July a happy fourth and to all us a lovely month of July. 


Shalom aleichem,



Pat Garcia


  1. Considering how many movies are remakes these days, they really do need to tap into books for some fresh ideas more often.

  2. Great suggestions for changes, especially opening up the book awards to more writers. Have a Happy July 4th!

  3. I've seen so many publishers who won't accept any work you put online. Even a first chapter. That's why I won't put any of my writing on my blog or website. Ugh. I think there should be some give in that area!

  4. Thanks for co-hosting again! These are great ideas, and I agree with Alex. All of these movie remakes, but there are countless books that can be adapted.

  5. Didn't mean to thank you for co-hosting again, but ah well! lol

  6. I wish publishers here in Canada specifically weren't so serious and pretentious. No one publishes fun, genre stuff, which is unfortunate.

  7. Very true. When writers receive encouragement from their pool of followers, that's a great boost for them.

  8. I would love to see book awards be more inclusive and accessible to all authors.

  9. Great ideas for the future, Pat! I got my start writing fan fiction, and reader encouragement after every chapter was so motivating. Which books would you like to see as movies? I would like to see a sci-fi book, Dark Matter by Blake Crouch.

  10. I have a long list of books that I'd like to see be made into movies or theater productions as well, and it'd be nice to see more awards open to writers outside of the big 5.
    SCBWI has done a good job adding a separate award for self-published writers, but it would be nice to not have it be separate, but together, to show that self-pubbed writers can write on the same level.
    Have a wonderful July, Pat!

  11. I like your list! I think it would be nice if there were more markets for reprint/second rights stories for stories pre-published on blogs or anywhere. It could be good for getting authors a way to market their writing and build their platforms.

  12. Hoping you have a safe and happy 4th also. I wish the movie industry would look for more original works instead of doing so many remakes of old movies and shows. There are so many great books and stories out there.

  13. Wouldn't it be wondrous if every author could all have one movie or screenplay made from their work?
    Thanks for stopping by the blog, Pat. I enjoyed your post.
    Best wishes,

  14. With regards to awards, there definitely needs to be more inclusivity. The industry needs to level the playing field.

  15. I agree about flash fiction we all publish on our blogs occasionally. And many works of fiction by indi writers would make fascinating TV or big screen movies. Or animated features. Seeing constant re-makes of the same two dozen stories is frustrating at times.

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I agree, movie makers need to start adapting more books 'cause right now they're just redoing the same things over and over.
    It would be nice for the writer awards to be more open.

  17. Great suggestions Pat. Both the awards and the recognition for the flash writers. All artists need a pat on their backs. All the artists deserve one!

  18. I definitely would like to see more movie/tv adaptations from books.

  19. It would be a real buzz to have your work optioned for the screen. Most authors' dream I'd say.

  20. Hi Pat,
    Thank you for posting on my blog. And I apologize for taking weeks to visit you (and others in our IWSG). Lately, there's been impatient demands on my time. I enjoyed your suggestions; especially your thoughts about Flash Fiction and encouragement.
    Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers


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