Wednesday, January 6, 2021

IWSG DAY, JANUARY 6, 2021, READING By Pat Garcia

Happy New Year!


It is IWSG Time!


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes, or giving encouragement and support to others. 



So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:


The Insecure Writer's Support Group 



The awesome co-hosts for the January 6, posting of the IWSG are  Ronel Janse van Vuuren , J Lenni Dorner, Gwen Gardner Sandra Cox, and Louise - Fundy Blue!




 Fiction - A Time To Love, A Novel– Submitted September 18, 2020, Still Outstanding


Flash Fiction: Still Outstanding

It's Christmas 

The Red Wheelbarrow 

Until Death Do Us Part


Non-Fiction:  Still Outstanding

A Spotlight On My Childhood In The Deep South


Short Story: Turn The Light On, To Be Release on February 14, 2021


Thanks to all who have volunteered to help me. I will be getting in contact with everyone as soon as the book cover is finished, and my manuscript has been read by a professional proofreader. 










There are many books out in the Literary Hemisphere, and it isn't easy to judge whether a book is well-written unless one reads it. That said, let me say that I read lots of books. It is very seldom that I run across a book that has lots of mistakes. 


However, if I bought a book containing numerous errors, I must admit that I would read it until it is finished. If I knew the author, I would communicate with them by email and tell them what I found respectfully.  I have done this. I was at a church conference in Amsterdam in 2009. I liked the speaker and decided to buy his book. When I got home, I saw so many mistakes but continued reading. After reading, I sat down and wrote the speaker a letter. That letter got me my very first editing job. 


Thus, I do try to be non-judgmental and keep reading until the end. 


Wishing you all a great 2021.


Shalom aleichem,




Pat Garcia


  1. What a way to land an editing job!
    That's cool you have a story coming out on Valentine's Day.

  2. That's a cool way to get an editing job. Congrats on your short story coming out. I'd be glad to shout out about it for you on 2/8/21 when I do my Follower News for the month. Email me at if you're interested.

  3. That's an awesome story!!
    If I'm enjoying the story, I can put up with quite a lot of 'little things' as well.

  4. Congratulations on your February release.
    I love how you read to the end and share your feedback without being hurtful. What a great way to get an editing job.

  5. I'm so excited for you, Pat, about your upcoming release. If I'm not on your list of "helpers", please add me. I'll be happy to host you on my blog. email me at:

  6. Congratulations on the Feb. release. I'm not surprised. You write about love with such grace and beauty!

  7. Way to go with your writing and the editing job!!!

  8. That's a great story, Pat. I'm not surprised. You've always conducted yourself in an admirable way. Happy New year. Looking forward to seeing your cover. Congratulations.

  9. I would want to know if someone found mistakes in my work too. Great job, Pat, nice way to get work. Happy New Year!

  10. I always admired your gift for compassion and understanding. Writing a letter that addressed something as personal as writing which resulted in being hired, is solid proof.
    Wishing you a healthy and joy-filled 2021.

  11. I've always admired your gift for compassion and understanding. Writing a letter that addressed something as personal as writing which resulted in being hired, is solid proof.
    Wishing you a healthy and joy-filled 2021.
    Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers

  12. I've reached out to authors I've known with a list of errors too. No job offer though. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. You are a thoughtful, kind woman. So cool you earned the opportunity to have your first editing job!

  14. How exciting on your release. And how considerate to reach out the author. If it was self-pub'd hopefully he had the chance to change it. When I self-pub'd my book, an author reached out and told me that the formatting for the ebook was horrible. I thanked him and immediately made the changes. What kind of book do you edit?

  15. You must be very patient, Pat, to read through multiple mistakes. What a great way to an editing job.
    Congrats on your upcoming release.

  16. I love how you contact authors privately, Pat. I hadn't thought of that. If I don't like a book, I won't review it. We elementary teachers have tender hearts ~ LOL! Kudos to you for all your submissions, and much success too! Take care!

  17. Great to see how busy you are Pat. I couldn't keep reading if I encountered so many mistakes but it proved useful to you in the end. Wishing you all the best for your submissions.

  18. Great to see how busy you are Pat. I couldn't keep reading if I encountered so many mistakes but it proved useful to you in the end. Wishing you all the best for your submissions.

  19. Congrats on your upcoming release!
    I"m not always patient. If there's too many mistakes, the only way I'll continue until the end is despite the mistakes, the plot/storyline itself still interests me.

  20. Congratulations on your Valentine's day short story coming out!
    Editing is a great job. And an excellent way to become a better writer.
    I hope your New Year is going well. I only read and reviewed 23 books last year, but my goal for this year is 30. My other goals are to publish another fiction book in 2021, do the Blogging from A to Z Challenge in April, and increase the number of authors helped by Operation Awesome.

  21. A great way to get that job! And it was very kind of you to spend the time on his book.

  22. I love your response, Pat, and agree completely. If I know the author I try to let them know if I find a typo.
    Happy New Year.

  23. I sometimes keep reading if I enjoy the story itself, but it's difficult for me because I'm so hyper sensitive.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm tardy in making return visits for IWSG because I was helping my mom move last week.

  24. Pat, I've looked everywhere and can't find a way to e-mail you. Yes, I'd like to help you with your Feb launch. You can e-mail me a bluebethley @ yahoo dot com. Meanwhile, stay safe, keep reading and writing and encouraging others -- as you do so well.


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