Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Hello Everyone,


 It is IWSG Time!


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes, or giving encouragement and support to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.

 The awesome co-hosts for the September 1 posting of the IWSG are Rebecca Douglass, T. Powell Coltrin @Journaling Woman, Natalie Aguirre, Karen Lynn, and C. Lee McKenzie! 


 Submissions:  Turn The Light On into the KCT International Literary "TREAT" Award Contest (Still Outstanding)

A Portrait of Daisy Dee, Fiction, The Writer Short Story Contest (Still Outstanding)

The Wasteland, Carve Magazine, Raymond Carver Short Story Contest (Still outstanding)

A Shared Dream, The Alpha/Omega Short Story Contest, July 2, 2021 (Still Outstanding)







I have always thought that I had the creativity to write. I also knew that I would have to perfect that spirit of creativity if I wanted to write beyond one or two books. That meant taking writing classes, broadening my reading by being able to read in almost all genres, learning how to read non-fiction, going to writing conferences, submitting my work,  learning how to deal with rejections, forcing myself to work regardless of my feelings and doing whatever I needed that would define me as a writer in an ongoing process that would eventually get my books published. Thus my success lies behind what I have done to get where I am––I call it The Process. At the beginning, I saw myself as a successful writer in a process of becoming known to the world, and it is  an ongoing process that doesn't end because of publication.  

Wishing all of you a lovely month of September.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Yes, being successful in The Process is a way to measure success. Congrats on your submissions. That's awesome you have stories to submit.

  2. You're right! It doesn't end after publication. There is so much work to be done.

  3. All the best with your submissions, and with your ongoing success! Happy IWSG Day :)

  4. I've never had trouble with creativity - I have more ideas than I could ever put to paper in my lifetime. I struggle with the focus and determination to finish what I start, and the actual skill and experience to write it WELL.

  5. You certainly have put in the work, not just the words. Good luck on your submissions.

  6. You've listed a lot of things a writer needs to do to get anywhere in his craft. And it seems you're doing them. Fingers crossed on those submissions.

  7. As you share The Process, it's amazing to learn all the elements in the process. Yes, a successful writer continue to explore and expand.
    Lynn La Vita @

  8. I am amazed every month at the number of your submissions. Your evident love of writing and creative exercises shine throughout your blog posts. you go, GRRL, back atcha! J

  9. You're right. As long as we keep writing, we're successful. It is when we stop that success slides away.

  10. Very wise words. I'm always inspired to work harder when I see how much work you've sent out.

  11. Success comes from engaging in the process. It truly is the journey, not the destination.

  12. I like how you saw yourself as successful in the process of being known to the world. It's good to focus on the process and progress instead of the end product.
    Very inspiring post!

  13. Thank you for sharing your process with us. All the best with your submissions.

  14. That ongoing process of learning, discovering, creating is exactly what keeps us all entranced and immersed in the act of writing! May your journey continue, blessed with ongoing process!

  15. I love this, Pat! You are a true professional!

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog! Stopping by to return the visit.

  17. "At the beginning, I saw myself as a successful writer in a process of becoming known to the world..."

    Oh, very well said! I need to start thinking of myself in this way, too.


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