Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Hello Everyone,


 It is IWSG Time!


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes, or giving encouragement and support to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.


The awesome co-hosts for the November 3 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie Lees, Joylene Nowell Butler, Erika Beebe, and Lee Lowery!



 Submissions:  Turn The Light On into the KCT International Literary "TREAT" Award Contest (Still Outstanding)

A Portrait of Daisy Dee, Fiction, The Writer Short Story Contest (Still Outstanding)

A Shared Dream, The Alpha/Omega Short Story Contest, (Made the Honorable Mention List)

WEP October Challenge, The Scream, Stop Signs Ignored, October 20, 2021


Writing My Blurb Is More Difficult


Writing a blurb for a story is much more difficult for me.  I write my story with the title of the book guiding me. The title is closely tied in with my plot. Because a blurb is not a summary or detailed event of what occurs in the book, I find it hard to free myself from plot points in my story. I usually have to step away for a week or two before I write the blurb.


Wishing everyone a lovely November, and for those celebrating the U.S. Thanksgiving Day, 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Take care and be safe. 


Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Congrats on the honorable mention. I wish my titles could come so easy to me.

    1. Hi Natalie,
      Thank you and thanks for coming by.
      Shalom aleichem

  2. Wow, I almost never know the title when I begin writing.

    1. Hi Alex,
      My title keeps me on track. I don't know why but it does. Thanks for coming by.
      Shalom aleichem

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Joylene,
      Happy IWESG to you too and Happy Thanksgiving.
      Shalom aleichem

  4. Congrats on the honorable mention. Titles usually pop in my head, but not with this current story. (sigh)

    1. Thank you, Dianne. It was a pleasant surprise. I didn't think I had a chance.
      Shalom aleichem

  5. I admire your submission record, Pat. And how great to hear you got Honorable Mention. Huge congrats.

    1. Thank you, Lee. My Honorable Mention made my day. I really didn't think I had a chance and would be way at the bottom of the list.
      Shalom aleichem

  6. Replies
    1. Hi emaginette,
      When I hear blurbs my head starts spinning. It takes me at least a week and sometimes two weeks to sit at my computer and start typing.
      Shalom aleichem

  7. Congrats on A Shared Dream. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you, Melissa and it is always a pleasure for me to visit your blog during our IWSG DAY.
      Shalom aleichem

  8. Writing a blurb is always a challenge for me too.

    1. That is good to hear, Olga. For a while, I thought I was the only writer that went berserk when I had to write a blurb.
      Shalom aleichem

  9. Writing blurbs does take practice! But keep it up;)

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. I will keep it up but I will still send it to a professional for the final touches.
      Shalom aleichem

  10. Stepping away for a while is a good way to get that distance you need to write the dreaded blurb. :)

    1. Yes, it is, Lynda. I have found out that no matter what I am writing on it is good to take a step back and let it sit. I do that even with titles and dialogue.
      Shalom aleichem

  11. Congrats on the honorable mention!

    Blurbs are a chore for me, as well. I'm the queen of titles and cover art, though!

    1. Thank you, Lee. The honourable mention was something I didn't expect and it made my day sweet.
      Shalom aleichem

  12. I'm with you on the title. I usually have a title in mind from page one. That shapes the book for me. But I need to be a little farther along before I write the blurb. Congrats on your honorable mention!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    1. Hooray!! It is so good to know that another author uses the title to shape their book. I'm not alone in that. Thank you also for the congrats on the honourable mention. To be honest, I am still smiling about that because that was a surprise that I never expected.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

      Shalom aleichem

  13. So good to see you online. I hope your writing and all else goes well. Yes, writing the blurb, for me, is more of a reader-focused exercise than a plot summary or story, but it's kind of fun to entice the reader into my stories. I agree wholeheartedly that theme and title are tightly linked. Hope you have a Thanksgiving to cherish!

    1. It's good to hear how you write your blurbs. That is a good approach, and I may try enticing my readers.
      Have a Happy Thanksgiving too, Beth. All the best.
      Shalom aleichem

  14. I agree that the blurb is much harder. I've spent hours and hours tweaking mine.

  15. The competition is so tough! Congratulations on your honourable mention. I can understand why the title keeps you focused. Good tip. Blurbs are a challenge for me, too.

    Here, in Mexico, we just celebrated Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead; a celebration of life and death. I much prefer over Halloween.

  16. Good luck with your submissions.

    Blurbs are so hard. There's so much riding on them!

  17. Congratulations on winning the honorable mention!! I love your reports on what you are submitting. Encouraging to all of us...I think leaving the ms on the computer and ignoring it for several weeks helps in many ways in improving it when you come back to it. Blurbing is one of them. Yes, we are looking forward to Thanksgiving Day, my favorite holiday. Thank you.

  18. Congratulations on making the Honorable Mention List.
    I haven't tried stepping away from the blurb before, but it makes sense. I step away from my manuscript when it get's tricky.

  19. Congrats on the honorable mention, and good luck with the rest of your submissions! I have a few things outstanding too, so I've been checking my email obsessively... multiple times.

    Per hour.

    A belated happy IWSG Day!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Writing blurbs is harder for most writers I think. But sometimes, I write a story with the blurb guiding me the way that you write a story with the title guiding you.
    Happy Writing!


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