Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Hello Everyone,


 It is IWSG Time!


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes, or giving encouragement and support to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.

The awesome co-hosts for the August 3 posting of the IWSG are Tara Tyler, Lisa Buie Collard,Loni Townsend, and Lee Lowery! 


No Submissions this month 

 Writing in Whichever Direction My Creative Muse Leads Me



I must admit that I struggled with this question at the beginning of my writing career. I found my answer by examining my beliefs and my raison d' être for writing. Simply put, I don't write what I don't want to read myself. For me, the highest satisfaction is writing a book I know I can be true to regardless of what others may think about my creative imagination.

Wishing all of you a lovely month and take care.


Shalom aleichem,




Pat Garcia



  1. Indeed, one mustn't write what they'd be uncomfortable reading themselves or what they wouldn't enjoy. Makes sense.

  2. Indeed, one should write what they'd be comfortable reading. Makes so much sense.

  3. I certainly write what I want to read. That's how I began in the first place.

  4. That's perfect. I write what I love to read as well!

  5. I agree--write what we like to read. That should be the Golden Rule for writers!

  6. I love your pic, Pat. You look so happy and at peace. I agree totally with your reasons for writing. I write what I want to read too. Happy IWSG Day.

  7. That's a great answer. Glad you gave it some thought, Pat.

  8. I'm with you, Pat. I write what I want to read. When I first started writing science fiction romance, it was because I couldn't find any to read. I'd read all I could find. (Guess I didn't search enough LOL) If I don't like what I've written, how would a reader? Hope you have a good month.

  9. I also write what I would like to read.
    For me, an added element is the fun factor. The writing process must be fun! It should never feel like a burden.
    Have a wonderful month of August, Pat.

  10. Yes! Gotta be true to yourself first!

  11. Of course. If we don't like what we write, nobody else will either.

  12. I'm the same - I write what I'd like to read. So I guess I'm writing for those people who like to read the same kinds of books I do. I think there's some circular reasoning there, but it works for me.

  13. Hiya Pat. Yes, I once read advice re 'write what you want to read' and I've pretty much followed that.

  14. This is Lisa Buie-Collard, since for some reason I can’t sign in to comment! I admire people who stay true to themselves while also bringing joy to others, like you!

  15. Good point. I write what I want to read, too.

  16. That's a smart answer. I reread my work and enjoy it. I know not everyone has the same tastes, and not everyone will like the same books. But that's just how it goes. At least I like my words.
    “Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.”
    ―Anne Herbert
    My IWSG blog post discussed my love of originality. I'm looking forward to the bout of books readathon and WEP's flash fiction later this month.
    Life threw me a curveball with a neighborhood crisis this week, but we got through it.
    Winnie the Pooh is the world’s Ambassador of Friendship. In the US, National Friendship Day is the first Sunday of August. #FriendshipDay2022

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Reference& Speculative Fiction Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

  17. Something clicked when I read your answer. "I write what I want to read." I imagined reading something I wrote from the POV of, "Is this what I want to read." Subtle, but there is a different relationship between me and the words on the page.

  18. Excellent answer! You have a great week :)


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