Wednesday, February 1, 2023

IWSG DAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2023, MY BOOK COVERS By Pat Garcia @TheIWSG #IWSG @pat_garcia

Good Morning, EVERYONE!

Welcome to our second IWSG Day of the year, 2023. 

IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities and successes or giving others encouragement and support. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.

The awesome co-hosts for the February 1 posting of the IWSG are Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Gwen Gardner!


I participated in a 31-Day Blogging Challenge, A DAY IN MY LIFE... and wrote only submissions for the Challenge. 

My Book Covers

I am both an indie writer and a traditional writer. 

For all my indie stories, I use a publishing company that does an outstanding job on my covers. 

My novel for the traditional publisher has yet to enter the publishing process. However, I have been informed that I would have input about the cover. 

Have a lovely month of February, and take care. 

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. That's good you will have some input.
    Thanks for co-hosting today!

  2. It's great you'll have some input on the cover!

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Strategies to Be a Successful Author

  3. Hi, Pat! It's awesome to get the experience of trad and indie. Glad you are pleased with your covers!

  4. Thanks for co-hosting! I'm glad you'll have some input on your cover with the traditional publisher!

  5. I've been traditional and indie and though the exposure is better with traditional, I LOVE the freedom of being an indie author . . . and cover control is a big part of it.

  6. Hi Pat! I saw your daily posts all of January but my apologies I couldn't follow all. Getting someone to do the cover for indie publishing is a good idea. I would do the same if I go that route. Thank you for co-hosting.

  7. Thanks for co-hosting today!

    Congrats on participating in the challenge. How did it go? Were you relieved when it was over? Or rejuvenated?

    Only worked with a professional book designer once. Found them on and I was very satisfied.

  8. Congratulations on your submissions and participations. I'm with you, I'd like input about my book cover. I often wonder what inspires the graphic designer? The blurb? the publisher? Editor?
    Thank you for co-hosting our Feb IWSG blog hop.
    Lynn La Vita

  9. Great point about publishers. Some of them--even the vanity sort--come up with great covers. Thanks for hosting, Pat!

  10. Big differences between Indie and Trad, aren't there. Thanks for sharing, Pat.

  11. Wishing you well with your submission. Thanks for cohosting this month.

  12. The cover is always the fun part for me. I wish I had the talent to create it. Congrats on your submissions. You are tireless and thanks for co-hosting today.

  13. I hope your cover will be everything you hope for.

  14. Pat, you ROCK! You have worked so hard and have accomplished a great deal. Congratulations!! (I couldn't get re-registered) Gwynn

  15. Glad you're happy with your covers! Hope the traditional one turns out great. Thanks for cohosting!

  16. Can't wait to see your cover. I hope it's all you hope for. And 31 days? Wow.

  17. You are such a great role-model for us. You submit and submit and you are going places. I loved seeing you are hybrid writer with self publishing and traditional publishing. You Go GRRL!

  18. thanks for co-hosting and best of luck on your upcoming book!

  19. Thanks for co-hosting and sharing. Good luck on your upcoming book!

  20. It's nice to have input because then you and the cover designer can talk and make sure you're on the same page.

  21. Thanks for co-hosting today! Have fun with the cover for your book. Well done on completing a 31-day blogging challenge. Take care!

  22. Hi Pat!
    Very best on your newest book. Your cover input might be limited but at least you'll know the publisher is experienced or (more likely) has hired the very best designer.
    Thanks for co-hosting!

  23. Thanks for co-hosting the blog hop! And congrats on your challenge participation.

  24. I would want input on a cover for any book I might publish, but I wouldn't put much faith in my own artistic abilities (or lack of).

    Thanks for cohosting this month!


  25. So you're about to be traditionally published? That's great. I hope you do get input into the cover.

  26. Best of luck with your cover experience with the trad-pub company! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  27. Hi Pat,
    Very cool that you have experience with both worlds. I hope your traditional covers go great and you're happy with the product. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

  28. Congrats on the traditionally published so cool. Wishing joy in writing.

  29. Glad that you've got a foot in both camps these days, Pat. Hope the new venture goes well. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

  30. Good luck with your traditional novel, Pat.

  31. I look forward to seeing your book published!

  32. Congrats on your forthcoming traditionally-published novel (and all your indie work too)! I hope you'll share some of the differences in your experiences with traditional vs. indie as you go along.

  33. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Hope your trad cover is all that you hope.

  34. Hello Pat! Great to hear your experiences re book covers. It can make or break your book.

  35. Good for you, Pat, to be both indie and traditionally published. And to have input on your cover artwork. Bravo! Thanks for cohosting this month's IWSG question. All best!


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