Wednesday, July 5, 2023

IWSG DAY, July 5, 2023, The Origin of My Stories, By Pat Garcia, @pat_garcia #IWSG @TheIWSG, #amwriting

Welcome to our seventh IWSG Day of the year, 2023. 


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities and successes or giving others encouragement and support. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.

The awesome co-hosts for the July 5 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, Gwen Gardner, Pat Garcia, and Natalie Aguirre!

Submissions: I submitted to the WEP'S Challenge, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, for June. As always, the competition was stiff. That's why I admire it. I won. It was lovely news to wake up to on Monday morning, July 3.

I'm back to submitting again, finally. I'm excited to see what will happen. 

The Origin of My Stories

To say my stories come from my heart is simple but accurate. I write with my vision of how I would like to see people of all nationalities and cultures, whose significant differences are the color of their skin and their language, respect, accept, and react to one another. I keep my eyes open, observe people around me, and listen to others' conversations in languages I may not understand. I am a notorious listener. I go into strange situations and watch people's reactions to me, and I jot down in my journal as soon as I can what I think as I allow the cesspool of ideas and longings to rise and almost drown me. This is where ninety-nine percent of my stories began to develop. To paraphrase Robert Kennedy's quote to my liking,  I see things within me, around me, and outside of me, and instead of laughing about how silly those stories might be, I ask myself why not and write them. 

Have a lovely month of July, and take care.

Shalom shalom

Pat Garcia


  1. Congrats on winning the WEP June challenge. And I love how you used Robert Kennedy's quote. He was a inspiration to me as a kid.

  2. That's awesome you won WEP!
    You are definitely more aware of your world than I am.
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

  3. Congratulations for being the June winner Patricia! Love how you find inspiration from all around you and within.

  4. How wonderful that you won! Huzzah!
    Like you I am inspired by the world and its challenges. I want to create possibilities.

  5. Grats on winning! And keep on writing from your heart. That's great.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

  6. Why not write them? Great idea! Congrats on the win!!

  7. Cheers, Pat! So happy that you won First Prize in the WEP. Congratulations. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  8. Congratulations! Obviously writing from your heart is working! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  9. Congratulations on winning the WEP contest! I like where you get your inspiration. There's so much out there that the media would tell you is "wrong" but with just a bit of listening we can turn it around and make beautiful stories :)

  10. Hi Pat! I think we are on the same page. People, their conversations catch my fancy too. Thank you for co-hosting.

  11. I especially loved your post this month.
    Your paraphrase, "... I see things within me, around me, and outside of me and listen to others' conversations in languages I may not understand. "
    We live outside the US and know very little Spanish. We base a lot of our understanding on their body language and their self-expression because that language is universal.
    I can imagine your notebook is packed full of impressions and insight.
    Cheers, @ Lynn La Vita

  12. Thanks for co-hosting today! And congrats on your win!
    Nice quote from Robert Kennedy.

  13. What a lovely way to come up with ideas. Congratulations on your win!

  14. I see things within me, around me, and outside of me, and instead of laughing about how silly those stories might be, I ask myself why not and write them.

    I like this commitment quote - and congrats on your weP win!

  15. Writing from the heart takes courage. Congrats on your WEP win.

  16. Congratulations Pat! That's awesome, and definitely some stiff competition. Thank you, also, for co-hosting this month.

  17. Congratulations! So proud of you! I'm a people watcher. So interesting to observe the folks passing by or sitting near me in a restaurant. I should carry a journal to make notes on each character. Thnx for the idea.

  18. Congratulations! I love your views, derived from visions. It allow such a unique advantage in truth and clarity. Thank you for co-hosting!

  19. Congratulations on you WEP win, Pat! That's awesome! I always write from my heart.

  20. Hurray for your win. Sounds to me like there is a lot of kindness inside you. Thank you for sharing it.

  21. I too enjoy remaking the world in my image of fairness. It's a tad easier in my settings because modern man was not fully formed! I like your rewording of Kennedy's quote.

  22. Congratulations!! Brave you! I'm so excited for you. I better catch up on my reading!

  23. Also, thanks so much for co-hosting!

  24. Hi, Pat! Glad to see you're still on and writing. And that you're submitting again! Woot!

    I think those "silly little stories" would account for more than 99% of the world's literature, when one comes right down to it. So yes, why not write them!

  25. What an interesting way to generate ideas! Growing up, my mom always warned me to watch what I said and did in public because you never know who might be observing you. Now I know that it would have been you. ;-) Thank you for sharing!

  26. Congrats on winning the WEP Challenge! That's awesome!

  27. Pat, your stories are from the heart and stir the emotions in the reader. Which is why your stories are especially valued at WEP. I love where your words take me. Thank you for 'listening', notorious or not.


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