Wednesday, September 6, 2023

IWSG DAY, September 6, 2023 Happy 12th Birthday, IWSG! @TheWEP #IWSG @pat_garcia

Welcome to our ninth  IWSG Day of the year, 2023. 


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities and successes or giving others encouragement and support. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.


Submissions: None

The awesome co-hosts for the September 6  are Sonia Dogra, J Lenni Dorner, Pat Garcia, Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen, and Meka James!

Happy 12th Birthday, IWSG!

I learned about the IWSG while participating in the A to Z Challenge and tried it. 

That was some years ago, and  I'm still here. It was and is a decision that I don't regret. 

Happy 12th Birthday, IWSG!

You're simply one of the best. 

Shalom shalom

Pat Garcia


  1. Hi Pat! That's such a sunny picture. Well, I've been lucky to have met you here. Your insights about writing have always been helpful. So, thank you and Happy IWSG Day!

  2. Same here. I take a break sometimes, when life overwhelms, but I always come back. Thanks for co-hosting.

  3. Hi Pat. Thank you for co-hosting this month! Never dared to try an A-Z. Kudos to you!

  4. Look at you in your IWSG shirt! That is awesome.
    Thanks for co-hosting today and being part of the IWSG.

  5. Happy IWSG Day! Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  6. Thanks for co-hosting. Other people said they learned of this group through the A-Z challenge too. I found it through bloggers I followed who were a part of this group. I'm glad I joined too.

  7. Our mutual friend, Joylene Butler, introduced me to IWSG way back in 2015. I'm grateful to folks like you and others that kept IWSG alive and a place to turn to for support. Thanks for co-hosting on the 12th anniversary.

    Cheers @ Lynn La Vita

  8. Agreed! And I love that you posted wearing your shirt!!

  9. Anonymous Esther O'Neill, East of the Sun. Thanks from me too, Google perhaps can't quite believe we still have no signal, sends verification texts. . Scared of blogging, managed at last in 2019, and found a lifeline of kind, generous and highy talented writers.

  10. Thanks for co-hosting this month and helping to keep the lights on (those lights being ones of encouragement)!

  11. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    I found IWSG through another blogger. Sadly, the author, stopped blogging. Still, I'm glad I joined this group as if it wasn't for them leading me to the group and the amazingness of this group, I wouldn't be here.

  12. Thanks for co-hosting today. I have that same t-shirt! Plus, I bought the notebook a couple years ago.

    Mary at Play off the Page

  13. Like you, I don't regret any of the time I've spent on the IWSG site or connecting with the members. It has all been rewarding. Thanks so much for co-hosting today, Pat.

  14. I need to try the A-Z Challenge sometime... more writing = yay! Thanks for co-hosting

  15. Love the picture of you in your shirt! I have an IWSG mug and notebook.

  16. Hey, I wanna be cool like you in that shirt. So glad you are a member here too. We've all grown in our writing skills thanks to this group. Thans for co-hosting!

  17. I must say, Pat, I love your photo of the eagle on your website. We saw lots of eagles when we were in Alaska.

    I learn so much from all of you at IWSG. Thank you so much for co-hosting this month's IWSG question, Pat.

  18. Love the photo of you in your IWSG T-shirt, Pat! The IWSG is simply one of the best. Thanks for co-hosting today! Take care!

  19. I can relate to how important IWSG has become for you. I feel the same way. Happy Anniverary.

  20. It really is a great and supportive group, isn't it? @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  21. That's great with the shirt! Well done.
    "The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library." – Albert Einstein quote
    September is library card sign-up month! Get one, use one, and be grateful such places exist.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and

  22. Thank you for co-hosting. It's a big job to run the hop. Without help, Alex might have stepped away and we wouldn't have had all the wonderful people we've had over the last twelve years.

  23. The IWSG has such a wonderful sense of community, which is hard to find in online groups. Being a part of the group has kept me moving forward (like a snail...) on this crazy writer journey.
    Thank you for co-hosting, Pat!

  24. Yes, IWSG is one of the best writer's groups!

  25. Great shirt! You totally jogged my memory. I was struggling to remember when I found out about the IWSG and it probably was through A to Z blogging, now that I think about it.

  26. It's funny how many of us found IWSG through the A-Z challenge. :)

  27. A lot of you came from the to Z challenge, ha ha! This is a fun group and I wish I could be more consistent participating. I will get there someday, hopefully.

  28. The IWSG is an institution, much like how I view WEP.

  29. Happy IWSG 12th Anniversary! Isn't wonderful to be part of something so special? Love the shirt you're wearing in the picture ;-) Thank you for co-hosting.

  30. Thanks so much for co-hosting and for leaving words of encouragement on my (and others') posts! A belated happy IWSG day to you!


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