Wednesday, April 3, 2024

IWSG DAY, APRIL 3, 2024, BLOGGING By Pat Garcia

Welcome to our fourth IWSG Day of the year for 2024. 


IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex J. Cavanaugh. 


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


This group is an immense help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities and successes or giving others encouragement and support. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us.



Submissions: None


Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG, and the hashtag is #IWSG.

The awesome co-hosts for the April 3 posting of the IWSG are Janet Alcorn, T. Powell Coltrin,Natalie Aguirre, and Pat Garcia!


I started blogging with a writer group on Linked In. Since then, I have blogged sporadically. I blog consistently with IWSG once a month. I have just come off the RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge that ended March 30. 

My blog posts go over Instagram, Facebook, and X. 
Now that the challenge has ended, I have dropped back to being a sporadic blogger, except for blogging once a month with the IWSG.


  1. Hi Pat. I like visiting your blog. I'm sorry I couldn't follow your challange in March as I'm busy relocating. Over time, I've also become a sporadic blogger. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  2. A lot of writers in this group post just once a month for the IWSG, often myself included. But it keeps me going and connected to others.
    Thanks for co-hosting today!

  3. Thank you for co-hosting this month!

  4. It's nice that your blog posts go over different platforms

  5. It's so interesting reading everyone's blogging history--the beginning.


  6. Welcome back! Nice to have you as a co-host this month. Thanks to you and other, IWSG continues to thrive.

  7. Happy IWSG Day! Thanks for co-hosting this month. I think, I too might be a sporadic blogger, but hadn't ever given it a name.

  8. A venue like IWSG has kept me blogging. Glad to see it helps you, too. Thanks for cohosting this month.

  9. Linked In has writing groups? LOL - been on that platform for years and never knew.

  10. I've gone in waves with my blogging as well. In fact, I'm stepping back for now. Have a wonderful month, Pat

  11. Once a month can be hard enough when submitting or being creative. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  12. I also blog consistently with IWSG. It's difficult to find time to do more. Of course, I have my Camping with Five Kids blog I post once a month as well. I should check out LinkedIn writing groups. There is so much we can do, but impossible to do all things and create stories and essays. More power to you, Pat!

  13. One of the privileges of being an adult is to follow your own guidelines, so blog when you wish. Thanks for the prompt to post our blogs on Insta and X!

  14. Adulting has its privileges and blogging when you wish is surely one of them. Thanks for the prompt to publish one's blog to Insta and X.

  15. Instagram, X and FB is a nice way to get your posts out. Thanks for co-hosting. Sandra

  16. Without the support of IWSG members and blogging once a month, I fear I could easily fade into the sunset. So I'm happy to have found this group with so much inspiration to share ;-) Thanks for co-hosting!

  17. Sporadic or not, you're a bright spot on the blogosphere. Thanks for co-hosting. :)

  18. I also blog regularly once a month on the IWSG day. Until recently, I also blogged regularly for WEP: a bimonthly flash fiction blog hop. Alas they closed. Maybe a resurrection is coming, in one form or another. I have hopes.
    Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  19. Many only blog once a month. I'm glad you continue to blog the first Wednesday of the month. Thanks for co-hosting with me.

  20. I'm pretty much once a month too unless I'm having a guest post for someone promoting. We used to see more of each other, Pat. Sigh...

  21. Hi, Pat! I'll take reading your blog once a month over not reading it, hands down! Thanks for co-hosting, btw! I try to put up an announcement about my blog once a week on FaceBook, but I fail miserably at consistency. Blogging, I'm pretty consistent. Have a great April!

  22. I used to be very regular, every Wednesday. Now there are ebbs and flows. But I'm always here for first Wednesday with IWSG! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  23. Thank you, Pat, for co-hosting. I had stopped writing other than a few posts on facebook. With the death of my husband, the passion had fizzled. I wondered if I'd ever feel that fire again. I'm back but without the writing taking over my life. I was so relieved to find that IWSG was still active and that you are still a major part of the group. Blessings

  24. I only blog once a month too. That's what great about IWSG--it gives us a community and reason to reach out. Thanks for co-hosting!

  25. Isn't it interesting? Your blog post contains comments from so many who blog only on IWSG Blog Hop day! Thank goodness for IWSG. Congrats on the 30 day challenge! That truly is a challenge....

  26. I'm so thankful for the push I get for IWSG each month, otherwise, my blogging would be about nil. I have suce a hard time juggling everything, on top of blogging and finding something relevant! In reading the comments, I'm also relieved to find out it isn't just me. And THAT'S why IWSG works. Thanks for co-hosting, Pat. Happy Writing!

  27. That's neat that you participated in that blogging challenge! You must have put out a lot of work doing that.

    Thanks to you and the others for co-hosting!

  28. 30 day blogging challenge? How did that go?

    Now I blog once a month for IWSG. When I first started blogging consistently I used to post something three times a day. Can't imagine doing that now. Don't have the time.

  29. Well done for finishing that March bloghop. It seems a huge amount of work to post more than twice a week, these days. And now we’re in the A2Z, which I’m not doing, but still like to visit, as well as keep the guinea pigs on their posting schedule!
    Thanks for co-hosting this month. Keep well.
    Jemima at

  30. Nothing wrong with being a sporadic blogger! I'm impressed you did a 30-day challenge. I started one once but it got to be too much pretty quickly.

  31. Thank you also, Pat, for co-hosting this month. I think we all experience periods of intensity and less commitment to our blogging. This time, I have a cold to blame . . . but I respect the support and effort you make over the years to blogging and other writers. Truly, thank you. May the coming month be a good one for you.


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